26th Annual National Leadership Development Conference
Hosted by NEB at CSU, Sacramento
July 11-13, 2024
Transforming our Legacy
The members of the National Executive Board (NEB) would like to welcome you to our 26th National Leadership Development Conference (NLDC.) NLDC 2024 will be hosted by NEB at CSU, Sacramento. We are looking forward to our joint sessions and role discussions in learning what resources are available for a successful upcoming year. We hope you all approach this weekend with an open mind and actively participate during tough discussions.
Throughout the NLDC page, tabs are available to give you a roadmap of what to expect for this year’s conference. As a reminder, NLDC will take place July 11-13, 2024. Updates will be posted leading up to the event weekend, informing you how to participate and collaborate with your fellow NAK leaders.
The NEB is here to listen, support, and assist every brother within our capabilities. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
In Brotherhood,
Carlos Mendoza
National Vice President of Compliance
Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity, Inc.
The Mission
NLDC is a program which entrenches to empower the leadership of Nu Alpha Kappa with the skills and ideas for running an effective chapter throughout the upcoming school year.
It exists to foster chapter development and inter chapter networking and bonding, to enhance the leadership abilities of our elected and emerging leaders, and to unify the chapters of the Fraternity under the current agenda of the National Executive Board of Nu Alpha Kappa. NLDC is an annual event to prepare our undergraduate chapter officers and emerging leaders for the coming academic year.
NLDC also serves as a venue for our NAK leaders of all chapters, both undergraduate and alumni, to gather in open forums and discuss the important issues facing our brotherhood. The Conference allows the brotherhood to share a vision of leadership and begin the process of planning the next academic year.
Stay tuned to this page for the latest information. Please email neb@nakinc.org. with questions or concerns.
Sacramento State Visitors
Meeting Location
Sequoia Hall, Room 301
The initial conference will take place at Sequoia Hall, room 301 (see map below with the circled building). Sacramento State parking is available on campus in the various designated student parking locations. Daily parking is $8 and can be purchase in advance or on site.
Previous National Leadership Development Conference Hosts:
- 1998 Iota Chapter, CSU Sacramento
- 1999 Delta Chapter, CSU Stanislaus
- 2000 Zeta Chapter, UC Santa Barbara
- 2001 Gamma Chapter, CSU Sonoma
- 2002 Beta Chapter, San Diego State University
- 2003 Epsilon Chapter, CSU Fresno
- 2004 Iota Chapter, CSU Sacramento
- 2005 Lambda Chapter, UC San Diego
- 2006 Delta Chapter, CSU Stanislaus
- 2007 Nu Chapter, UC Riverside
- 2008 Omicron Chapter, Univ. of Nevada, Reno
- 2009 Rho Chapter UC Los Angeles
- 2010 Sigma Chapter, Univ. of Northern Colorado, Greeley
- 2011 Tau Chapter, Cal Poly, Pomona
- 2012 Upsilon Chapter, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas
- 2013 Phi Chapter, National Hispanic University
- 2014 Rho Chapter, University of California, Los Angeles
- 2015 Omicron Chapter, University of Nevada, Reno
- 2016 Psi Chapter, University of California, Irvine
- 2017 Pi Chapter, California State University, Northridge
- 2018 Upsilon Chapter, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas
- 2019 Omicron Chapter, Univ. of Nevada, Reno
- 2020 Conference Postponed
- 2021 National Executive Board Virtual Collaboration
- 2022 National Executive Board, at SDSU
- 2023 National Executive Board Virtual Collaboration
National Leadership Development Conference 2024
July 11-13, 2024
A Collaboration event hosted by the National Executive Board on the campus of CSU, Sacramento
Thursday, July 11th
Time | Event |
8:00PM | Dinner
Friday, July 12th
Time | Event |
8:00AM | Registration / Check-In / Virtual Networking
9:00AM | Welcome & Roll Call of Delegates
9:30AM | General Session – State of the Fraternity
10:00AM | National Philanthropy
11:00AM | Giving Back
12:00PM | Lunch |
1:00PM | Effective Fundraising
2:00PM | Building Your Chapter
3:15PM | Guide to the Nu Process
4:00PM | National Elections
5:00PM | Chapter Awards
Saturday, July 13th
Time | Event |
8:00AM | Registration / Check-In / Networking
9:00AM | Breakout Sessions
10:00AM | Planning for Success
11:00AM | Chapter Breakout Session
12:00PM | Lunch Break |
1:00PM | Chapter Financial Management
2:00PM | Marketing Your Chapter with NAK Merch
3:00PM | Chapter Compliance
4:30PM | Group Photo on State Capital Steps |
Agenda is Subject to Change

National Leadership Development Conference 2024
Chapter Registration will be open June 10th. EACH chapter must complete the registration form. Registration is a two (2) step process, please click on the links below and follow along. After registering your chapter, you will receive an email confirmation containing information about the meeting. Registration is not completed until the second step is completed as well.
STEP 1: Registration is Now Open
STEP 2: Click Here for Chapter Payment Page

National Leadership Development Conference 2024
Delegate Liaisons
Jason Navarro
National President
Jose R. Lara
National Vice President of Business Operations
Carlos Mendoza
National Vice President of Chapter Compliance
Sandro Aguilar
National Treasury Controller
Christopher S. Juarez
National Secretary
Associate Vice President of Programming
Christian Martinez
Associate Vice President of Chapter Development
Associate Vice President of Communication
Sean Lopez
Associate Vice President of Northern Education Process
Associate Vice President of Southern Education Process
Jerson Zarate
Associate Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Efrain Alanis
Associate Vice President of Expansion
Andres Rojo
Associate Vice President of Marketing

National Leadership Development Conference 2024
Who is required to attend?
Chapter President, Chapter Vice President, Chapter Secretary, Chapter Treasurer, Chapter Education/Intake Director, Chapter Marketing. If you have any questions, please contact National Executive Board at neb@nakinc.org.
Are all brothers welcomed?
All brothers and advisor team advisors of Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity are welcomed to attend, but are required to register.
What if my chapter is unable to attend or unable to send the required brothers?
A statement from the Chapter is REQUIRED to explain why attendance cannot be met at NLDC 2024. Upon review, the board will determine whether a fine is imposed, but a make-up workshop and presentation are REQUIRED in order to satisfy the compliance requirements. Make up meetings will need to be scheduled for Chapter Presidents, Chapter Treasurers, and Chapter Education/Intake Directors before charter approval. If you have any further questions please contact Juan Aguilar, Associate Vice President of Programming, at programs@nakinc.org or the National Executive Board at neb@nakinc.org.
What is the dress code?
Business Professional; Minimum – NAK Polo; No Hats